Accomplishments of 2008-2010 Board of Director Federation of Our Lady of Guadalupe Societies in the Diocese of Corpus Christi
The Board of Directors for 2008-2010 has accomplished the following:
Federation membership increased
A Procession banner was designed and made
Pray the rosary at funerals
Traveling to different parishes to hold meetings
Made two brochures explaining the Federation for the Ministries Day Conference
Held three retreats: a. Marian Retreat in May, 2009 with Father Henry Artunduaga and Father James Kelleher, SOLT b. Pre-Advent retreat in October, 2009 with Msgr. Eduardo Chávez c. Lenten Retreat in March, 2010 with Father Naúl Ordoñez
Organized a trip for approximately 50 persons to the International Marian Congress in Pheonix, AZ
Attended the International Marian Congress in Phoenix
Visited St. Augustine Cathedral, San Xavier del Bac Mission, and St. Mary’s Basilica in Tucson
Designed T-shirts to identify the Federation at the International Marian Congress
Pilgrimage to the Virgen de San Juan del Valle Basilica and St. Jude’s Shrine, with recreational time in the Premium Outlets of the Rio Grande Valley
Pilgrimage to St. Theresa’s Basilica and Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto with leisure time at the River Walk Mall in San Antonio
Celebrated two very successful Feast days with celebrity guests Paula DeAnda,Freddie Martinez, Joshua Flores, and Carolina
Salinas as well as local talent paying homage to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Presented the Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe performed by the John Bosco Youth Group from Immaculate Conception, Taft
Had an extensive publicity campaign for the Feast day celebration: cards, flyers, posters, TV interviews, radio announcements, newspaper articles, church bulletin inserts
Had the Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe televised and posted on the internet
Established the largest international membership in the Archicofradía de Santa María de Guadalupe at the Basilica in Mexico City
Established a close working relationship with the President of the Archicofradía, Ms. Ana Rita Valero from Mexico City Public Service: invited speakers from the American Cancer Society, the Jail Ministry, Plant a Tree for the Fallen Soldiers, and Human Rights advocate
Works of Mercy: Food drive for Catholic Charities and donations to the Mother Theresa Shelter, the Salvation Army, Loaves and Fishes, to families at funerals, and to church activities
Held several successful raffles to supplement income to carry out Federation projects A board member participated two years as a runner with the Antorcha Guadalupana
Held two Presidents’ Breakfast to bring unity among the Affiliated Societies and set the Federation’s goals for the following year
Invited priests and religious to share an inspirational messages: Fr. Naúl Ordoñez (Kingsville), Father Francisco Lopez (Taft), Father Jose Angel Ortiz (Gregory), and Sister Mary Chiara (Our Lady of Corpus Christi)
Developed a budget for the Federation fiscal year 2010
Gift of Appreciation to Bishop Carmody for support and encouragement to the Federation
Revised the Constitution and Statutes of the Federation
Joined the Knights of Columbus in the Pro-Life March on April 30, 2010
Several Federation members took part in the American Cancer Society Walk for Life
In progress: designing a Web Page for the Federation and organizing a trip to the San Antonio Federation Conference in August