As we reflect on the profound words of Pope Francis to "be pilgrims of hope and builders of peace," we are reminded to respond to God's call to use our individual gifts to become instruments of his love and service while being messengers of peace.
As faithful Catholics, we are called to live and share God's compassion in the world. It is in this spirit that I ask you to consider a gift to the 2025 Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal.
The Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal is a way for us to share God’s love with our community in the Coastal Bend. Through our 12 counties, stretching from Falfurrias to Three Rivers, we serve those in need and grow in our faith.
The Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal funds faith formation programs such as Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Religious Educator training, and OCIA programs--ensuring Catholics will continue to deepen their faith throughout their lives. Additionally, it provides for the education and needs of our seminarians in formation while also supporting our infirmed and retired priests that have given their lives to God's service. It also supports the efforts of Catholic Charities and the Mother Teresa Shelter serving those less fortunate in our community. These are just some of the dozens of ministries supported by generous gifts to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal each year.
Gifts to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal allow critical shared ministries across our Diocese to work in the service of others and for the glory of God. Will you join me with a gift to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal this year?
I pray you will join me in supporting the appeal this year. Together we will touch lives with the love and compassion that reflect the glory of God.
Thank you and may your New Year be rich with blessings and be filled with new hope.
Your brother in Christ,
Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Bishop of Corpus Christi