The Office of Archives and Records is the central location for all historical materials relating to the diocese. The office is responsible for collecting and preserving the materials and is available to consult and formulate policies for the orderly management of all records concerning the diocese, parishes and other diocesan entities.
The Office of Archives and Records is the official repository for the records of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Because these records are those of a private institution, they are not open to general research and may only be handled by authorized personnel. The Office’s primary responsibility is to the Bishop and Chancery offices, but is available to assist in locating sacramental records. Sacramental and school records are made available to persons seeking their own or their minor child’s records and to persons with the written consent of the individual named on the record.
Sacramental certificates, such as for baptism or marriage, are issued by the parish where the sacrament was administered. When searching for your own sacramental record, contact the parish where the sacrament was received. A complete listing of parish contact information is located under the “Parishes/Schools” tab on the Diocesan homepage.
If you were baptized on a U.S. military base, either in the U.S. or abroad, your records are probably held at the Military Archdiocese. To request those records please contact them directly: Archdiocese of the Military Services, U.S.A, 415 PO Box 4469, Washington, DC 20017-0469 Website:
If you were baptized in the Diocese but do not know the name of the parish, please contact the Office of Archives and Records. Staff can assist you in locating the parish where the records might be kept. To best assist, we will need the following information:
Please submit all requests in writing by USPS to:
Diocese of Corpus Christi
Attn: Archives/Records – Records Request
PO Box 2620
Corpus Christi, TX 78403
The Diocesan Archives is available to assist individuals with limited genealogical research in accordance with diocesan policy. Only records created before January 1, 1930 are open for genealogy research.
All genealogy requests must be made in writing using the Genealogy Request Form. A fee of $20 per sacrament is required before research can begin. The fee is non-refundable even should no record be located. The request must be mailed with the fee before research can begin.
Please note, Archives staff cannot conduct general genealogical research. The Archives does not maintain a central index of individuals who have received sacraments prior to 1930. Consequently, records must be researched book by book, parish by parish. As a result, staff can only search for specific sacraments for specific individuals.
Requests for records needed for sacramental reasons, e.g. to receive a sacrament or to be a godparent/sponsor, are given first priority.
Due to the high volume of requests, limited staff and the absence of a comprehensive name index, all requests may take 4 to 6 weeks. Please plan accordingly
The Diocesan Archives holds records for closed Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Requests for student transcripts must be made in writing using the Student Transcript Request and Authorization to Release Student Transcripts forms. Requests made by phone, fax, or email will not be accepted. All requests for official student records must be accompanied by a non-refundable $10.00 fee per request.
Contact the Registrar at St. John Paul II High School for student records from 1986-1997.
Transcripts are made available ONLY to the following authorized recipients: