The Catholic outreach program Ask Seek and Knock will hold a retreat in the Diocese of Corpus Christi at Our Lady of Corpus Retreat Center on Nov. 14-16. Among the topics to be discussed are domestic violence, sexual assault and suicide.
"This outreach program came about from my family's tragic loss of my older sister from domestic violence," said Tiffany Mack from Willis, Texas in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, founder of Ask Seek and Knock. "Now, because of the loss of my sister our family is raising her three children that were left behind from her murder back on March 27, 2009."
Ask Seek and Knock has worked in Mack's home parish of Sacred Heart in Conroe, Texas to offer a Mass for victims of abuse in the month of October, because that is Respect Life Month and that it also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Sacred Heart has offered this Mass for the past four years.
"And now with the help and grace of the Holy Spirit, Ask Seek and Knock is ready to offer it first retreat," Mack said.
Other session at the retreat include:
Healing In The Marriage and Family;
By HIS Stripes You Are Healed;
Stations of the Cross;
Rosary and Devine Mercy Rosary;
Healing Mass; and
Where you (You or a family go from here) Bringing it all together through our Father’s Eye.
"Now, with each topic we would talk on a saint that has experience this type of event in their life. With this retreat we hope to bring healing to the mind, body, to their spirit and to their families peace," Mack said.