Bishop Michael Mulvey will celebrate the annual Blue Mass on Saturday, Sept. 27, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Mathis at 6 p.m. The Mass honors St. Michael the Archangel, patron saint of those employed in public safety.
"The Mass brings us together to pray for those who are employed in the public safety field and protect the safety of communities," said Jesse Garcia, Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council 11663, which sponsors the Mass. "Different councils from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi along with their families and friends, attend the Blue Mass in support of those employed in the public safety field."
Among those being recognized at the Mass are law enforcement officers, correctional officers, Emergency 911 dispatchers, Emergency Medical Services personnel and firefighters. The Mass also remembers those who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
A barbecue dinner prepared by the Mathis Volunteer Fire Department will follow the Mass in the parish hall. Several businesses and community leaders from the Mathis area make donations to make the dinner possible.
"We will close with an awards ceremony where several law enforcement officers, correctional officers, Emergency 911 Dispatchers, Emergency Medical Services Personnel and firefighters from throughout the diocese will be recognized for their service to their parishes and communities," Garcia said.
Sacred Heart Parish is located at 217 West San Patricio Avenue in Mathis.