The Office of Multi-Cultural Ministry teamed up with parishioners from Nuestra Senora de San Juan de Lagos Madre de la Iglesia to host a Diez y Seis de Septiembre luncheon for chancery staff on Sept. 16 in St. Joseph Hall.
Diez y Seis de Septiembre is Mexico’s Independence Day from Spain.
Volunteers and parishioners of Nuestra Señora de San Juan de Los Lagos spoke on the historical significance of Diez y Seis de Septiembre. They prepared and served a multitude of delicious, traditional Mexican food.
Traditional Mexican artifacts were on display and there was a candy store, live music and dancing.
A merry time was had by all and chancery staff learned some Spanish words, while others brushed up on their knowledge of the language.
The luncheon kicked off a monthly “Brown Bag Lunch and Learn,” presented by the Office of Multi-Cultural Ministry. The luncheons are designed to give staff an opportunity to practice and learn Spanish.
Many thanks go out to Father Fernando Gamez and all of the volunteers for their selfless service to the Church.