The 37 Centurions sat together in the pews for the final time, cherishing their last moments as high school students. After the graduation Mass and Commencement Ceremony held at 10 am in the Cathedral on Saturday, they joyfully tossed their hats in the air, symbolizing their transition into the future.
Bishop Michael Mulvey gave the graduates three thoughts on their way. The first is “No person is an island,” quoting the famous poem by John Donne. He invited the students to think about all those people who helped them on their way: “I would not be who I am today without…” However, challenging encounters are significant: “Every time we get corrected, we grow,” said the bishop. He told them, “Don’t deny what you did wrong, don’t blame someone else.”
Second, Bishop Mulvey encouraged them to move outside their comfort zone: “We live in a closed mentality—we are afraid of the future, we are afraid of others, and we stick to the place in which we are comfortable.” He told them to watch the interview that Pope Francis gave to an American journalist, in which the pope mentioned this and invited everyone to overcome these barriers and reach out to others.
Lastly, he told the students to be faithful to Jesus Christ. They are now free to decide. Bishop Mulvey encouraged them to continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus: “There are Catholic Centers at the universities that can help you on your journey.”
The graduates thanked their teachers and parents for their support before celebrating their achievements and looking into the future.