For the first time, individuals felt they could talk openly about their faith journeys and share how to grow together as a synodal Church (a Church that journeys together in communion, participation and mission.) Thirty-seven people attended the Synodal Encounter session at St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Parish on March 19.
Committee members Lonnie and Monica Gatlin and Eddie and Christina Castillo led their parish’s Encounter session.
Calming background music played as the large group was divided into small group listening sessions.
“It was just so beautiful, and we were definitely filled with the Holy Spirit,” Monica Gatlin said.
“One young man said that he was able to say everything he’s always held back for the first time. Another man said he felt like he was in the upper room."
"We even had a young couple who are not Catholic, nor are they studying to become Catholic, who sat at a very diverse table. We had someone visiting from England, a mother of one of the SOLT brothers who shared her perspective of the Church in England and a very old-school Catholic," Monica Gatlin said. It was exciting to see such a well-rounded mix of people, and everyone shared that they were thankful to have this opportunity.”
After the session, the group socialized over lunch provided by the parish.