Students show off artwork of Jeanne Chezard de Matel–the foundress of the Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.
Incarnate Word Academy Elementary Level students presented projects to the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament on Monday, March 24, a day before the celebration of the Feast Day of the Incarnation.
“The Feast Day of the Incarnation is March 25, but we celebrate it as our own feast day because it represents who we are,” IWA Campus Minister Sister Rosa Ortiz said.
Two students from each grade will made presentations on behalf of their class. The presentations included a range of projects such as poetry, essays and artwork such as a mosaic of Jeanne Chezard de Matel–the foundress of the Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.
In addition, Incarnate Word Academy celebrated 143 years of opening its doors on March 19, 1871. At the time, the all-girls school included basic academics, sacramental preparation and domestic arts from elementary through high school.
“I am in awe that Incarnate Word Academy has existed for 143 years,” Sister Elizabeth Close said. “The credit is due first of all to God, the dedication of our sisters, the wonderful parents, teachers, students, active alumni and friends who contributed their presence, time, energy and finances to building a wonderful foundation in Catholic Education.”