“The Twelve Days of Christmas” was written to help teach as well as nourish English Catholics during a time when it was illegal from them to worship publicly. With this in mind, perhaps you might consider reading one of the twelve books I have listed below to help nourish your own faith during this Advent season. I have also included a number of suggestions on how a book could be used.
The List of Books:
The Reed of God by Caryll Houselander
Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander by Tomas Hoffman
Daily Reflections for Advent & Christmas: Waiting in Joyful Hope by Bishop Robert Morneau
Fathoming Bethlehem: Advent Meditations by Bishop Robert Morneau
The Color of Gratitude and Other Spiritual Surprises by Bishop Rober Morneau
Biblical Meditations for Advent and the Christmas Season by Carroll Stuhlmeuller, CP
The Awakened Heart: Opening Yourself to the Love You Need by Gerald G. May
Praying with Hildegard of Bingen by Gloria Durka
Prayers & Meditations: An Anthology of the Spiritual Writings of Karl Rahner edited by John Griffiths
An Adult Christ at Christmas by Raymond E. Brown
Psalms for Zero Gravity: Prayers for Life’s Emigrants by Edward Hays
Heart to Heart with God: Six Ways to Empower Your Prayer Life by Ralph Torrelli
Suggestions for Use:
Pray to the Holy Spirit to help you choose the book you need to read at this time in your life.
Use in preparation for, or during, a Holy Hour or Adoration. If you use the book during your prayer time, read a short selection slowly. Depending on the selection you make, consider reading it aloud to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. That is, if no one else is present. Pay special attention to those words or phrase that seems to “jump off the page.” Ask yourself what might the Lord be telling you with those words or phrases.
Perhaps reading and discussing at a prayer meeting. Especially how a chapter or chapters could help the group pray better.
Use to prepare for daily or Sunday’s liturgy. How does your spiritual reading impact your celebration of the Eucharist?
A double preparation: read the chapter twice. once and then later just what you have underlined. Another option: if the chapter is a long one, reread what you have underlined before you continue reading that chapter.
If you have a favorite paragraph or page, include it as part of your Advent wreath prayer service.
Write down a line or two (or idea) that seems to speak to you. Make it a point to refer to it during your day or week.
Advent is a time for us to celebrate Jesus coming into our lives. Make a note in the book you are reading one time during your day/week you have experienced Jesus that day or week. Date it. Refer to it often.
True prayer pushes us out to serve others. If you are considering making a Christmas donation to charity, how might this spiritual reading impact your decision?
Reading Catholic and Christian spiritual/religious books is considered a crime in many countries. Remember to pray for those governments and for those who suffer under them.
If you are already reading spiritual book, may you discover in it a way to grow closer to God during this Advent.