Children at St. Mary's Mission in Robstown celebrated Christmas with a pageant held on Christmas Eve. Father Michael Crump, SOLT, said, "these beautiful children have brought the mystery of the Incarnation, the gift of Christmas, alive for us."
Having weathered a time of great changes and development, Bishop Thomas Drury was ready at the time of his retirement to hand over responsibilities to a younger man who had brought many experiences with him to the role of chief shepherd for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Ask any Catholic about Vatican II and most often than not, the likely observer will hear the same answer and not much else; that Mass could now be celebrated in English. While this is true, many Catholics lack a true understanding and thus, appreciation, of how the Second Vatican Council sought to enhance and make accessible to the faithful of the Church the richness and beauty of her Tradition. During this Year of Faith, the Diocese of Corpus Christi is hoping to change that.
“Those that are most likely to seek or pursue a priestly or religious vocation are those that have been chosen by God, Himself, and those that have been encouraged by either their parish priest and/or a family member,” Father Joseph Lopez, JCL Vocations Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi said.
Although he retired 15 years ago due to health reasons, Msgr. Seamus McGowan still maintains a full schedule of pastoral activities. “I can’t do the things I did when I was younger. When I have to sit down to rest I do, but you never retire from being a priest.”
Sister Maximina Cruz, MDPVM, always knew in her heart she would someday dedicate her life to God. But making that final step took many years of discernment, courage and introspection.
"It is a great joy to have this annual trip to be with the St. Dismas Community. You have become part of my faith, part of my journey,” Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey said to more than 100 prisoners at the McConnel Unit in Beeville gathered for a Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, of San Antonio, one of four U.S. representatives selected to attend the recent Synod of Bishops for the New Evangelization held at the Vatican, will discuss his experiences from his three weeks in Rome during the keynote address entitled “The New Evangelization A Spirituality of Communion” at the Diocese of Corpus Christi Ministry Conference on Jan. 12 at the American Bank Center.
NEWTOWN, Conn. (CNS) -- As law enforcement officers tried to piece together the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and seven adults dead, priests from nearby parishes rushed to the scene to comfort families and staff.
We all have something that we are passionate about. That was the message south Texas author Viola Canales gave to Incarnate Word Academy Middle Level students about her latest book “The Tequila Worm.”
El niño se quedó sorprendido. Dirigiéndose a él, la profesora repitió: “Creo que vas a ser un sacerdote.” Había convicción en su voz. Había algo de verdad en lo que decía.
Each new year brings the expectation of a better world. In light of this, I ask God, the Father of humanity, to grant us concord and peace, so that the aspirations of all for a happy and prosperous life may be achieved.
At a recent talk at the Catholic educators conference, Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey told educators to teach and learn the faith by breaking “down the Creed sentence by sentence, clause by clause, adjective by adjective.”
There are millions of people around the world who believe in some kind of higher power, so what is so unique about our Catholic belief? The “who” and “what” of our Catholic faith is described well in the Nicene Creed which we Catholics profess at Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation.
The SOLT vision is to bring all people into union with the Most Holy Trinity through discipleship of Jesus and Mary. This discipleship is the charism or spiritual gift that God gives to members of SOLT. To live out the charism, teams of priests, sisters and lay people minister in Marian-Trinitarian relationships in areas of deepest apostolic need. The Eucharist, prayer, apostolic teaching and solidarity of spirit unite them.
As we begin this New Year, let us enter more fully into these mysteries and embrace more fully the gift of life. Join with your diocese family in attending both the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Life and the Texas Rally for Life.
Sister Lydia Ann Braun, Carmel DCJ, 59, died Dec. 17, 2012 in Mandan, North Dakota. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012 at St. Agnes Home in Kirkwood, Missouri with burial at the Carmelite Cemetery in Kirkwood.
Sister Joan Michele Rake, CDP, entered eternal life Dec. 19 at the age of 87. She labored 65 years in ministry, including nearly 25 years in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Pope Benedict XVI said the family in Western society is undergoing a "crisis that threatens it to its foundations," owing to false ideas of human nature that equate freedom with selfishness and present God-given sexual identities as a matter of individual choice to the profound detriment of humanity dignity.