I don't know about you, but year after year I find myself breaking my New Year's resolutions. Having said that, I readily admit that as we approach New Year's, we need focus. This is a good time to get serious about our future happiness. Am I on the right track or not?
La conferencia ministerial anual, facilitada por la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, se llevara acabo el día 10 de Enero en el American Bank Center de Corpus Christi.
The Church is celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life, which began on the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30, until the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus on Feb. 2, 2016. In order to better understand how we can celebrate this year, let us look at the definition of Consecrated Life, and what the Holy Father is proposing to us.
Turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean salad. It was standard Thanksgiving food, as I sat at the table with my wife, our newborn daughter, and my wife's family…and about another 400 people in the Our Lady of Consolation Parish hall in Vattman.
Before the Diocese of Corpus Christi was established, religious men and women were present in this area of south Texas evangelizing in very poor and dire conditions. The presence of these heroic men and women has been the foundation of the faith in the life of the Church for more than 200 years.
Immaculate Conception Church in Taft had a live nativity scene on Dec. 22-23. Youth and children from the Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Knights of the Sanctuary and the Religious Education Program participated.
Parishes from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi came together on Dec. 11-12 to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. From San Diego to Corpus Christi, the faithful donned native Aztec costumes, listened to Mariachi music and processed with candlelight to pay homage to the Patron of the Americas.
The residents at Villa Maria, an apartment complex for senior independent living, enjoyed a holiday luncheon on Dec. 17 thanks to Patsy Cantu, the manager of Villa Maria and a parishioner from Ss. Cyril Methodius Parish, who brought the community of residents together for fun and fellowship.
Priests and Cursillistas from Alice, Mathis and Corpus Christi celebrated Advent with a retreat held at St. Martin of Tours in Kingsville on Dec. 13. The three talks were presented by Father Julian E. Cabrera on "La Santida" (holiniess), Father Jose Naul Ordonez on "La Comunion (Communion) and Father Juan Fernando Gamez on "La Mision" (Mission).
Incarnate Word Academy Elementary Level students celebrated the Christmas season by performing in a musical play, entitled, “Christmas around the World,” on Dec. 18 in the school’s Mother Patricia Gunning Gymnasium.
What began as a result of a natural disaster has turned out to be a tradition at Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Corpus Christi. On Dec. 17, Catholic Charities distributed Christmas food baskets to the needy for the 47th consecutive year.
St. Joseph Parish in Beeville held a pancake breakfast to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on Saturday, Dec. 6. The Knights of Columbus prepared the breakfast that was sponsored by the Divine Mercy Society.
Sister María Begoña Divinagracia, OP, a member of the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic passed away peacefully on Dec. 13 at a local hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas. She was born on Feb. 12, 1939 in Tamboilan Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines to Anastacio Divinagracia and Felicidad Diasnes.
Sister María Paz Aribon, OP, 72, a member of the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic passed away peacefully in the Central House of the Dominican Sisters in Flour Bluff on Dec. 10. She was the principal at St. Anthony's Catholic School in Robstown.
Ramiro Quiroz, Director of Mariachi Luna y Sol, partnered with Jeannie Leos, Music Director at St. Joseph Church in Beeville, to organize a Mariachi Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday, Dec. 12. Ralph Olivares, President of the Divine Mercy Society assisted Father Richard Gonzalez before Mass to light candles for the intentions of Pope Francis, Bishop Michael Mulvey and for all priests and deacons in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.