Paul addresses his “Letter to Titus” to a co-worker. In the New Testament, there is only one letter to Titus who is charged with developing the Church on the island of Crete, an island where Paul had never ministered. Titus’ ministry, then, is to a large extent, independent of that of Paul, although, of course, both are based on Scripture and Church teaching.
One of the hardest decisions that Sister Isabel López, PCI had to make was to leave her mother and become a Pax Christi Sister. She felt called to be a Pax Christi Sister when she and a friend went to a mission to visit and pray with the sisters near her home in Veracruz.
Historically, within the canonical (legal) structure of the Church, congregations of men were referred to as the “first order.” Congregations of women were designated as the “second order.” Around the 13th century, the Holy Spirit–as always throughout the events of human history–provided for the needs of the times. A “third order” came into existence.
Perhaps one of the most prevalent attacks on marriage and family life in our society today is the attempt at redefining marriage to include the so-called same-sex “marriage.” In our own country, as well as in many places in the world, intense political pressure from various interest groups has lobbied for enshrining in law alternative definitions of marriage that go against God’s design for husband and wife.
St. Monica is known the world over for her patience and persistence in prayer for the conversion of her son, Augustine. That—along with the graceful way she endured the abuse of her pagan husband—is why she is the patron saint of patience.
Msgr. Morgan Rowsome, who served for nearly 20 years as pastor at St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles parish in Corpus Christi, died in a car accident on May 22. He was laid to rest in his native Ireland.
Some thought this day would never arrive. Others hoped and some always knew it would. On May 23, the Catholic Church beatified Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez of El Salvador, who was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass, just a day after pleading and ordering soldiers to stop killing innocent civilians.
De sus principios la estación de radio KLUX a presentado programas en español. Todavía proporciona dos horas en domingo de programación para fieles de habla español, con el programa “Con Permiso” como el programa estelar, ya que se a oído por la radio por 30 años.
When Bishop Michael Mulvey noted, at a recent Mass in Corpus Christi Cathedral, that the Cathedral had a new and improved sound system, the congregation burst into applause. In the back of the church, ushers acknowledged Willie Mellon’s design of the new sound system with a pat on the back.
Hundreds of faithful Catholics filled Broadway, Lipan and other nearby streets on July 17, 1940 waiting for the doors to open at their new Cathedral. It was a clear day with a few clouds in the sky. Minutes before 10 a.m. the bells in the two towers that shot up 97 and 125 feet into the sky began ringing and a large procession of priests led by Bishop Mariano S. Garriga, co-adjutor of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, began to make their way into the newly completed sanctuary.
On Friday, June 12, Eve Treviño of Corpus Christi became the leader of the state’s 16,000-member strong Catholic Daughters of the Americas. The official “change of power” took place at a state executive committee meeting held at Treviño’s home parish of Most Precious Blood.
Opponents of abortion in the Diocese of Corpus Christi celebrated the first anniversary of the closing of the Coastal Birth Control Center in June. While numbers are hard to come by, anecdotal data suggests that many babies have been spared from abortion and given the opportunity for a full life.
Bishop Michael Mulvey ordained two priests from the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity on June 6 in Corpus Christi Cathedral. The new priests are, Father Jeremy Davis, SOLT and Father Beau Schweitzer, SOLT.
In his exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium” Pope Francis said, “A true missionary, who never ceases to be a disciple, knows that Jesus walks with him, speaks to him, breathes with him, works with him. He senses Jesus alive with him in the midst of the missionary enterprise.” Ethel Dulak knows well the meaning of the Holy Father’s words.
I am at Casa de Maria y Martha in San Antonio. I had been hearing about this house run by the Mennonites for a while now, but this is my first time to visit. It is located near the Greyhound Bus Station in downtown San Antonio. Among other things, it serves as a place for those who have been released from the area detention centers to eat and sleep if there is a long wait for their connecting bus.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sided with Texas abortion providers and temporarily put on hold a ruling that would have closed about half of the state’s abortion facilities.
Theologian and Catholic apologist Scott Hahn headlined a panel of nationally known speakers at the Fullness Of Truth conference in Corpus Christi, June 27-28. Entitled "The Family Fully Alive: the Word of God and the Household of Faith," the conference drew hundreds to the American Bank Center.
La decisión del 26 de Junio, de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, que interpreta que la Constitución de los Estados Unidos exige a todos los estados proveer licencias y reconocer el “matrimonio” de personas del mismo sexo es un “error trágico que daña el bien común y a los más vulnerables entre nosotros,” dijo Monseñor Joseph E. Kurtz, Arzobispo de Louisville, Kentucky, y presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los EE.UU.