by Amber Aldaco, Kingsville Record and Bishop News
By the grace of God, we are finally here,” Sister Maxie Cruz said, surveying the large crowd of people assembled in the courtyard between the Mother Julia Navarrete Chapel and museum. “Thank God we got it done.”
Instead of the forecast of rain, parishioners of St. Martin of Tours in Kingsville were granted a beautiful day, which began with Mass, followed by a blessing and dedication, which ended in festivities on Nov. 6.
Bishop Michael Mulvey and the Diocese of Corpus Christi welcome Pope Francis' new Apostolic Letter Misericordia et Misera and his call to extend mercy to all, and specifically to those who are dealing with the tragedy of abortion. The Holy Father's directive, allowing priests around the world to forgive the grave sin of abortion is not something new in the United States, as priests have been delegated this ability for some time, including in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Some 400 teachers, administrators and auxiliary staff of Catholic schools took part in the 2016 Diocesan Catholic Educators Conference, "Faith, Knowledge and Service…The Pillars of Catholic Education," held on Nov. 11 at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center. Bishop Michael Mulvey opened the conference with the celebration of Mass. He thanked participants for being "agents of Jesus Christ".
One classroom at Incarnate Word Academy Middle Level spent an afternoon on Wednesday, Nov. 2 shooting hoops instead of taking notes as part of a basketball shootout.
The 2016 Coastal Bend Day of Giving raised $2,138,788 million (up from last year's 1.9 million) for 45 nonprofit agencies. Among those charities receiving donations were The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth, receiving $61,709; Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, receiving $55,584; and the Mother Teresa Shelter receiving, $49,601.
Father Eduardo "Eddie" H. García passed away at his home at the St. John Vianney Residence for Priests in Corpus Christi on the evening of Nov. 14. Father García was born in Alice on Oct. 24, 1955 and baptized at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Alice.
Sister Mary Evelyn Morales, IWBS (Leonor Ninfa), age 86 died peacefully at Incarnate Word Convent, Nov. 9. She was born in Brownsville, Texas, on Oct. 23, 1930. She was the daughter of Francisco S. Morales and Emilia Garcia Morales. She graduated from Brownsville High School, where she was an honor student and a member of the Golden Eagle Band. Ninfa entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament on Sept. 13, 1952, and made her first profession of vows on July 31, 1954.
Culturally diverse parishes are the fastest growing type of parish in the United States, according to a report on Cultural Diversity in Catholic parishes, revealed by Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio, chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church. The report was presented during the annual fall General Assembly in Baltimore, Nov. 15.
The Society of Catholic Scientists held the first ever Gold Mass on Nov. 15, the feast day of St. Albert the Great, patron saint of scientists. The Mass was celebrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) chapel and both science educators and students are welcome to attend. The event was co-sponsored by the Tech Catholic Community, the Catholic Student group at MIT.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Tuesday elected Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston as its president, and Archbishop Jose Gómez of Los Angeles vice-president.
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” was written to help teach as well as nourish English Catholics during a time when it was illegal from them to worship publicly. With this in mind, perhaps you might consider reading one of the twelve books I have listed below to help nourish your own faith during this Advent season. I have also included a number of suggestions on how a book could be used.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, acknowledging that the American people have made their decision on the next President of the United States, members of Congress as well as state and local officials, congratulated Donald Trump, the president-elect, and everyone elected.
Twelve months ago, on Dec. 8, 2015, we—together with the entire Church—began an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. We have both celebrated and lived God's mercy. I hope that throughout this year, we have celebrated God's mercy through the profound experience of the Sacrament of Penance.
Anyone who has spent any time in the world of vocations knows that the number one, most effective way to help young men discern the priesthood is direct contact. If you know a young man who shows signs of a call to the priesthood, say something to him.
En la Cancillería de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, el pasado martes 11 de octubre, se llevo a cabo la reunión del equipo diocesano encargado de implementar el V Encuentro Nacional de la Pastoral Hispana/Latina. V Encuentro tiene como meta general el discernir las maneras en que la Iglesia Católica de los Estados Unidos pueda responder mejor a las necesidades y presencia de los hispanos/latinos.
In 1916, children of Mexican migrant farmworkers who picked cotton and vegetables in the fields surrounding Robstown began to meet in a makeshift classroom at St. Anthony of Padua Church. The classroom was converted back to a church for Sunday Mass. That was the start of St. Anthony School, which is celebrating its centennial this school year.