Catholic school principals in the Diocese of Corpus Christi participated in a Spiritual Retreat at The Spiritual Retreat Center in Victoria on Nov. 28-30. Principals explored “servant leadership” and pathways to humility.
Some 80 administrative assistants from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi gathered at the Pax Christi Retreat Center on Wednesday, Nov. 29, for the annual Administrative Assistants Day of Prayer and Reflection. The focus of the day was on the family, with Beth Nguyen, Director of Laity, Family and Life for the diocese serving as keynote speaker.
When most Catholics think about cloistered religious what usually comes to mind are nuns kneeling before the Lord in quiet prayer and reflection. Though prayer takes up a significant amount of the monastic day—as that is our vocation in the Church—it is not the only way we can touch our wounded world. Traditionally, monastic life is filled with a balance of work, study and conversation.
St. Pius Boy Scout Troop 157 presented a $1,000 check to Aransas Pass Troop 25 at Troop 157's weekly meeting on Nov. 27. The funds are intended to help Aransas Pass and Rockport troops recover camping and Scout equipment loses from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.
The national Knights of Columbus made two major gift presentations to St. James the Apostle in Refugio and Sacred Heart in Rockport to help those parishes with disaster relief from Hurricane Harvey. Ron Alonzo, Texas State Council Charities Director, presented a check for $100,000 to Father Ray Yrlas at Sacred Heart and Texas State Council State Deputy Doug Oldmixon presented a $60,000 check to Father John McKenzie at St. James, on Sunday, Nov. 26.
The Diocese of Corpus Christi Office of Youth Ministry is offering a leadership retreat at the Spirit Center on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 1 - 6 p.m. Entitled “Leadership in Youth Ministry,” the retreat is open to any youth minister, core team and lay leaders that serve in youth ministry and want to enhance their skills and better their ministry.
Now that Advent is almost here, I would like to revisit a blog of some weeks ago. If you decided to use any or all of my suggestions, perhaps a few questions could help you evaluate how your prayer schedule is going for you.
St. Leo University, which has a campus at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, was selected as one of the Military Times Best: Colleges 2018, the publication announced Monday, Nov. 20. Formerly known as Best for Vets, the Military Times Best: Colleges rankings factor in the results of Military Times’ annual survey, the most comprehensive school-by-school assessment of veteran and military student services and rates of academic achievement.
Corpus Christi resident Adriana Estringel recently deepened her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Saturday, Nov. 18, she made a commitment as a Providence Associate, joining 21 other 2017 associates with the Sisters of Providence during the rite of commitment ceremony, which coincided with the Providence Associates 10-year anniversary celebration.
A group of students from St. John Paul II High School toured the Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy on Nov. 16 at Texas A&M Kingsville. The Students also visited the College of Engineering.
Most Precious Blood Catholic Church in Corpus Christi will host “An Advent Study on a Mind at Peace Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction” on Saturday, Dec. 2, 9 and 16 at the St. Juliana Hall. Two sessions will be offered, the first at 9:15 a.m. on the topic “Women of the Word”, followed by “Spirit & Life” at noon
Students from Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School had a busy day on Nov. 16 as they honored their community's veterans, attended a book reading and talk by a local author and celebrated Thanksgiving with a luncheon catered for them and their families.
Catholic school students, at all levels, in the Diocese of Corpus Christi have begun to study robotics and coding. To prepare for this new field of study, teachers held a Professional Development for Robotics and Coding with Wonder Workshop Educator, Bryan Mille on Nov. 16-17.
Educational School Advisory Councils from the 18 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi attended a Marketing Symposium on Nov. 17 hosted by the Office of Catholic Schools. More than 80 council members and school leaders assembled at St. John Paul II High School and engaged in content and activities.
Teachers, staff members and school leaders from all 18 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi gathered together for a Professional Development Day at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center on Nov. 10. Tracy Welliver, an international presenter, showed teachers how strengths may serve to guide and direct their best energies in serving our students and our communities.
The Enrichment Committee of Saint Elizabeth School in Alice is continuing its mission of offering stimulating and challenging opportunities for students. The school’s partnership with PlainsCapital Bank called “BOBCATS Hand’s ON Banking” was a complete success. Students engaged in an eight-week comprehensive financial literacy program with the goal to provide children with valuable information about money, saving and banking.
Father Romeo Salinas, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, celebrated Mass at Incarnate Word Academy Sophomores Retreat held at the Spirit Center on Monday, Nov. 6. During his homily Father Salinas spoke to them about “answering God’s call,” which was the theme of this year’s retreat.
Catholic Charities USA ha otorgado un obsequio importante a Caridades Católicas de Corpus Christi para ser utilizado para ayudar aquellos que sufrieron daños económicos por el huracán Harvey. Los fondos se deben usar antes del 31 de diciembre, por eso solo hay un tiempo limitado para solicitar y recibir ayuda.
Ciento sesenta y tres diócesis se han involucrado en el Quinto Encuentro Nacional del Ministerio Hispano / Latino. La iniciativa V Encuentro de la USCCB es un proceso de evangelización, consulta y misión que se lanzó oficialmente el año pasado para discernir formas para que la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos responda mejor a la creciente presencia hispana y para ayudar a los hispanos católicos a fortalecer su identidad cristiana y su respuesta como discípulos misioneros a toda la Iglesia.