CHRISTUS Spohn Health System currently has open positions for Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants. The public is invited to learn more about these opportunities at a recruitment event on Saturday at La Palmera. Potential candidates can stop by our information table to speak one-on-one with nursing leaders and find out more about these career opportunities, including our RN Residency program and Nurse Extern summer program.
FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and Knights of Columbus have partnered many times over the past two decades on initiatives to strengthen the faith and evangelical spirit of Catholic men. In 2020, the Knights highlighted several FOCUS staff as part of their Into the Breach series. The April 2021 issue of Columbia magazine shares stories of FOCUS missionaries and alumni who have been involved with the Knights.
Eternal Rest Grant unto him, O Lord. Let Your Perpetual Light shine upon him. Please pray for the repose of Rev. Paul Rajareegam, who passed away on April 25, 2021 in India. Also, keep his entire family in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. May he rest in eternal peace.
Catholic Charities will begin opening their building on Monday, May 3. “We are slowly opening, beginning with the Choice Pantry on Wednesdays [starts on May 5],” said Shannette Hoelscher, Communications and Mission Advancement Coordinator of Catholic Charities Corpus Christi. “The Choice Pantry will be fully operated by volunteers on Wednesdays and beginning on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday our walk-up food pantry will be open.”
Incarnate Word Academy High School Level Golf Team recently competed in the TAPPS 5A Regional Championship at the River Crossing Golf Club in Spring Branch. The IWA Lady Angels won Regional Ladies Team 3rd place. Medals were awarded to the top 10 competitors, with juniors Kaitlyn Canales placing 5th and Victoria Wilson placing 9th.
Incarnate Word Academy senior Julia Moore has received a 2021 Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Outstanding Senior in French Award. This award is made annually to a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in the study of French as well as exceptional commitment to the French language and the many cultures where it is spoken. Recipients must have completed at least three years of French study at the time of graduation and be non-native speakers of French.
This week, CHRISTUS Spohn Health System achieved a major milestone in efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing 100,000 COVID-19 vaccines given throughout the Coastal Bend.
Msgr. Arnold (Buzz) Anthony Anders, the longest serving priest in the Diocese of Victoria went to his Eternal Reward on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. Father Anders, as he preferred to be called was born in Dubina, Texas on December 11, 1926 to Frank and Annie Guenther Anders.
Deacon Mark Cazalas will be taking charge of the Catholic Communications Network in May. He will be formally relieving Marty Wind as general manager. He is excited about getting the opportunity to merge two of his greatest loves – music and radio. “The radio can reach not only Catholics who regularly attend church, but also those who don’t go to church,” Deacon Cazalas said.
Incarnate Word Academy celebrated the graduating Class of 2021 on April 21 with a Drive-By Senior Parade. The parade was held at the horseshoe drive on Alameda in between the Elementary and High School Levels.
Incarnate Word Academy Senior Charlie Flood will be presented with his Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Award by a State Representative from the DAR. The award presentation will be held on Friday, April 16 at 1:00 p.m. in front of the High School Level.
The Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament are excited to announce that five of Sister Lou Ella Hickman’s poems from her book she: robed and wordless have been composed into music by famous composer James Lee III for The Marshal Weinberg Spring 2021 Classical Music Season concert that will be held on May 11 at 92nd Street Y in New York City.
In 2017, Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP put a skull on her desk and began meditating on her death every day. She did this in imitation of Blessed James Alberione, the founder of her congregation of Catholic religious sisters, the Daughters of St. Paul. When Sr. Theresa Aletheia shared about her journey on social media with the hashtag #memento mori, Latin for “remember your death.”
Each year, the Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking (CCOAHT) launches a campaign to raise awareness of forced labor in the fishing industry. This year, due to the global pandemic, a new humanitarian crisis has emerged that is severely impacting all men and women who work at sea.
Bishop Michael Mulvey administered the sacrament of confirmation to youth at Holy Family Parish in Corpus Christi on April 14. Since April 7, Bishop Mulvey has begun the two-month process of confirming teens in every parish who have fulfilled the requirements to receive the sacrament.
Following the mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development issued the following statement:
Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help other couples learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based, and Catholic in origin, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples. Retrouvaille can help get your relationship back on track.
Please contact your Senator and Representative to SUPPORT SB 1944/HB 3099 which reform the Texas Advance Directives Act and OPPOSE SB 917/HB 2609 which eliminate the dispute resolution process. It takes less than 3 minutes to email your representative here.