by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Diocese of Corpus Christi
Often, we tend to view the season of Lent as a time to give up something we enjoy. While the practice of self-denial is indeed important, too often, we tend to focus on what we are giving up and lose sight of what that sacrifice will mean for us as spiritual people.
Although a gift born in faith, the Eucharist is made visible and tangible as the sacrament of God’s presence in the world today. It is the sacrament of Love, that memorializes Jesus’ perfect love on the Cross.
La Eucaristía, aunque la recibimos como un don, nace en la fe y se hace visible y tangible como sacramento de la presencia de Dios en el mundo de hoy. Es el sacramento del Amor que conmemora el amor perfecto de Jesús en la Cruz. Continúa asegurándonos que el amor de Dios es misericordia.
by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Bishop of Corpus Christi
With great love, joy, and devotion, we gathered as a Diocesan Family to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi this past June. Together we gave honor and praise to the “SOUL” of the Church. Thank you for your contributions and participation.
El Verbo se hizo carne. Este misterio central de nuestra fe es proclamado en el prólogo del Evangelio de San Juan. También es el gran misterio que celebramos cada Navidad. Dios se hizo hombre. Dios vino a nosotros en carne humana. La Palabra es la persona de Jesucristo. Conocer la Palabra es conocer a Dios. Es en el encuentro con la palabra que conocemos a la persona de Jesús.
The Word became flesh. This central mystery of our faith is proclaimed in the prologue of St. John’s Gospel. It is also the great mystery we celebrate each Christmas. God became man. God came to us in human flesh. The Word is the person of Jesus Christ. To know the Word is to know God. It is by encountering the word that we know the person of Jesus.
by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Diocese of Corpus Christi
South Texas Catholic has a conversation with Bishop Michael Mulvey on Lent, Holy Week and Easter. These events can be an opportunity to encounter Jesus in the Word and reaffirm our belief in His redemptive suffering and resurrection.
by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Diocese of Corpus Christi
Have you ever asked, “what does God see today when He looks at us; Does He see what He planned when He created the human race?” We are made in the image and likeness of God, who is a trinity of persons, a community of persons inseparably united by mutual love.
by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Diocese of Corpus Christi
I want to let you know that starting August 2020, the South Texas Catholic will begin publishing as a quarterly magazine with Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer issues. Each edition will focus on a theme. This new format will offer a strong emphasis on evangelization to lead the reader to an encounter with Christ and a clear understanding of the Gospel and our Catholic faith.
by Bishop Michael Mulvey, Diocese of Corpus Christi
I promised you last month a more detailed letter describing the vision for the renewal of ourselves as well as the renewal of our diocese. I am happy to announce that that letter has been sent to your pastors, and they will be studying it to provide each parish direction over the coming year. This letter will also be available to you via the diocesan website at and on a thumb drive to be made available later in January. I invite all of you individually and as organizations and ministries to meditate on the document to ensure that by the time of our great Eucharistic Congress in 2022, our vision of renewal will have begun to take place throughout our entire Diocese.