Catechesis for Persons with Disabilities ( National Directory for Catechesis, no. 49)
Persons with disabilities, especially children, are particularly beloved by the Lord and are integral members of the Christian community. They include those with cognitive disabilities, those with developmental disabilities, those with learning disabilities, the emotionally disturbed, persons with physical disabilities, the hard of hearing, the deaf, the visually impaired, the blind, and others. All persons with disabilities have the capacity to proclaim the Gospel and to be living witnesses to its truth within the community of faith and offer valuable gifts. Every person, however limited, is capable of growth in holiness.
Catechesis for persons with disabilities must be adapted in content and method to their particular situations.
Office of Ministry and Life Enrichment for the Disabled:
Access and Inclusion
Blind Low Vision Tips
Catechetical Resources for Children and Youth with Disability
Deaf-Hard of Hearing Tips
Disability Resources Available from the USCCB
Helpful Strategies and Tips
Individualized Religious Education Program Form
Making Room for Persons with Disabilities
Models for Religious Education
Pastoral Statement
Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities
These documents are used with permission of the National Catholic Partnership on People with Disability (