Every person has a vocation. Some vocations are more visible and present in our daily lives such as
marriage or our parish priests. For other vocations such as sisters, brothers, or consecrated lay
men and women, we may not have interactions with them as often. However, everyone has a vocation!
The fast- paced society we live in makes it harder for young people to be still and listen to God’s
call in their lives.
So, we invite you to join in building a culture of vocations.
Prayer – Please pray for vocations from our Diocese. Enclosed you will find a prayer card with
ideas for who you can pray for each day, along with our Diocesan Vocations Prayer. If you want to
share this prayer card, you can download and print a copy below or
you can call the Office of Vocations to get more.
Awareness – In September, nearly 300 people, many of whom serve in religious education or formation
roles at parishes across the Diocese, gathered to learn more about how we can promote vocations in
our parishes. If you are able, get involved in parish activities that are fostering vocations.
Affirmation – Say thank you and affirm those who have answered the call to a religious vocation in
your life. Whether it be your parish priest, a sister, or the current seminarians, say “thank you”
in whatever way is meaningful to you to let them know that you appreciate and pray for them and
their vocation.
Support – Fostering a culture of vocations and educating seminarians, the future priests of our
diocese, is of upmost importance to us. We never want someone considering a vocation to not be able
to discern and follow their call because of any financial barriers.
Would you please consider a recurring gift to provide ongoing support for vocations? Through your
generosity, you will support various vocational discernment opportunities and the formation of the
future priests of our diocese.
Serving in the Office of Vocations, we are privileged to walk along side and support these young
men and women discerning God’s call to a priestly or religious vocation. Thank you for your
prayers, affirmation, and support.
Sister Mary Claire Strasser, SOLT Bob Cummings
Director of Religious & Consecrated Life Director of Vocations